The largest selection of foreign flags are authentically reproduced with special attention to detail and durability. Made of 100% nylon and sewn to the same specifications as our U.S. and state flags. Available for outdoor use with heavy heading and brass grommets, or for indoor use with lined pole hem, velcro tabs and fringe. For price class, use the table below. (UN) after country name indicates United Nations member nation. Quantity prices and other sizes not shown are available on request. 10% discount form price below for orders of 6 or more of the same country and size. Complete set of 185 U.N. Members price represents 10% discount from total of individual prices listed. Flags marked with an asterisk* are available in 12"x18" for $13.50 each in lots of 6 or more.
Price Class |
Nation | Price Class |
Nation | Price Class |
Nation | Price Class |
Nation |
UN MEMBER FLAGS | A | Gabon(UN)* | F | Nicaragua(UN) | A | Yemen (UN) | |
H | Afghanistan | C | Gambia(UN) | C | Niger(UN) | A | Yugoslavia (UN) |
C | Albania | D | Georgia(UN) | A | Nigeria(UN) | G | Zaire (UN) |
D | Algeria | A | Germany (UN)* | F | North Korea (UN) | H | Zambia (UN) |
H | Andorra (UN) | D | Ghana (UN) | D | Norway (UN) | H | Zimbabwe (UN) |
H | Angola (UN) | D | Greece (UN) | G | Oman (UN) | OTHER WORLD FLAGS | |
G | Antigua and Barbuda (UN) | H | Grenada (UN) | E | Pakistan (UN) | A | Afro American |
C | Argentina (UN) | F | Guatemala (UN) | D | Palau (UN) | H | Anguilla |
A | Armenia (UN) | A | Guinea (UN)* | E | Panama (UN) | F | Aruba |
G | Australia (UN) | C | Guinea-Bissau (UN) | G | Papua New Guinea (UN) | D | Austria W/Eagle |
A | Austria (UN) | C | Guyana (UN) | H | Paraguay (UN) | F | Bermuda |
C | Azerbaijan (UN) | F | Haiti (UN) | F | Peru (UN) | H | British Virgin Islands |
D | Bahamas (UN) | D | Honduras (UN) | E | Philippines (UN) | H | Cayman Islands |
E | Bahrain (UN) | A | Hungary (UN) | A | Poland (UN)* | D | Europe, Council of |
D | Bangladesh (UN) | D | Iceland (UN) | E | Portugal (UN) | D | Germany W/Eagle |
E | Barbados (UN) | C | India (UN) | F | Qatar (UN) | H | Gibraltar (3x5 only) |
E | Belarus (UN) | A | Indonesia (UN)* | A | Romania (UN) | E | Greenland (3x5 only) |
A | Belgium (UN) | G | Iran (UN) | A | Russian Republic (UN) | F | Hispanic Race ( 3x5 only) |
H | Belize (UN) | H | Iraq (UN) | E | Rwanda (UN) | H | Hong Kong |
C | Benin (UN) | A | Ireland (UN)* | D | Samoa (UN) | E | Isle of Man (3x5 only) |
H | Bhutan (UN) | B | Israel (UN) | H | San Marino (UN) | E | Italian Ensign |
E | Bolivia (UN) | A | Italy (UN)* | F | Sao Tome and Principe (UN) | C | Japanese Ensign* |
D | Bosnia-Herzegovina (UN) | A | Ivory Coast (UN)* | E | Saudi Arabia (UN) | H | Kiribati |
B | Botswana (UN) | G | Jamaica (UN)* | C | Senegal (UN) | H | Montserrat (3x5 only) |
F | Brazil (UN) | D | Japan (UN) | G | Seychelles (UN) | G | NATO |
H | Brunei (UN) | E | Jordan (UN) | A | Sierra Leone(UN)* | F | Netherlands Antilles |
A | Bulgaria (UN) | E | Kazakhstan (UN) | E | Singapore (UN) | F | Northern Ireland (3x5 only) |
D | Burkina Faso (UN) | G | Kenya (UN) | E | Slovakia (UN) | H | OAS |
D | Burma (Myanmar) (UN) | D | Kuwait (UN) | E | Slovenia(UN) | D | Old Croatia |
E | Burundi(UN) | E | Kyrgystan (UN) | G | Solomon Islands (UN) | H | Old Hungary |
E | Cambodia (UN) | D | Laos (UN) | C | Somalia (UN) | D | Old South Vietnam |
C | Cameroon (UN) | A | Latvia (UN) | I | South Africa (UN) | E | Palestine |
B | Canada (UN)* | D | Lebanon (UN) | D | South Korea (UN) | C | Poland W/Eagle |
H | Cape Verde (UN) | H | Lesotho (UN) | E | Spain(UN) | C | Scotland/Rampant Lion* |
E | Central African Republic (UN) | F | Liberia (UN) | G | Sri Lanka (UN) | D | Scotland St. Andrews Cross |
A | Chad (UN) | A | Libya (UN)* | G | St. Christopher-Nevis(UN) | A | Serbia |
C | Chile (UN) | G | Liechtenstein (UN) | H | St. Lucia (UN) | D | Solidarity (3x5 only) |
D | China, Peoples Republic of (UN) | A | Lithuania (UN) | E | St. Vincent and Grenadines(UN) | C | Switzerland |
A | Columbia (UN)* | A | Luxembourg (UN)* | D | Sudan (UN) | E | Taiwan (Nationalist China) |
G | Comoros (UN) | D | Macedonia (UN) | F | Surinam (UN) | D | Tonga |
F | Congo (UN) | C | Madagascar (UN)* | H | Swaziland (UN) | H | Turks and Caicos (3x5 only) |
F | Costa Rica (UN) | F | Malawi (UN) | B | Sweden (UN) | D | United Nations |
H | Croatia (UN) | F | Malaysia (UN) | C | Syria (UN) | C | USSR (3x5 only) |
F | Cuba (UN) | E | Maldives (UN) | E | Tajikstan (UN) | F | Vatican City/Papal |
D | Cyprus (UN) | A | Mali (UN)* | E | Tanzania (UN) | D | Wales* |
D | Czech Republic (UN) | G | Malta (UN) | B | Thailand (UN) | ||
B | Denmark (UN) | G | Marshall Islands (UN) | E | Togo (UN) | ||
E | Djibouti (UN) | F | Mauritania (UN) | E | Trinidad and Tobago (UN) | CANADIAN PROVINCE FLAGS | |
H | Dominica (UN) | C | Mauritius (UN)* | G | Tunisia (UN) | H | Albert (3x5 only) |
E | Dominican Republic (UN) | B | Mexico (UN) | D | Turkey (UN) | H | British Columbia (3x5 only) |
F | Ecuador (UN) | E | Micronesia (UN) | H | Turkmenistan (UN) | H | New Brunswick |
D | Egypt (UN) | H | Moldavia (UN) | G | Uganda (UN) | H | Manitoba (3x5 only) |
F | El Salvador (UN) | A | Monaco (UN) | A | Ukraine (UN) | F | Newfoundland (3x5 only) |
H | Equatorial Guinea (UN) | H | Mongolia (UN) | C | United Arab Emirates (UN) | G | Nova Scotia (3x5 only) |
F | Eritrea (UN) | F | Morocco (UN) | C | United Kingdom (UN) | H | Ontario (3x5 only) |
A | Estonia (UN) | H | Mozambique (UN) | F | Uruguay(UN) | H | Prince Albert Island (3x5 only) |
A | Ethiopia (UN)* | H | Namibia (UN) | G | Uzbekistan (UN) | F | Quebec (3x5 only) |
F | Fiji (UN) | H | Nepal (UN) | H | Vanuatu (UN) | H | Saskatchewan (3x5 only) |
B | Finland (UN) | A | Netherlands (UN) | H | Venezuela (UN) | H | Northwest Territories (3x5 only) |
A | France (UN)* | G | New Zealand (UN) | D | Vietnam (UN) | H | The Yukon (3x5 only) |
2' x 3' | 15.60 | 19.50 | 25.50 | 27.00 | 28.50 | 33.50 | 41.20 | 52.00 | 54.00 | 5,173.10 |
3' x 5' | 21.60 | 28.50 | 32.00 | 35.00 | 40.00 | 43.00 | 55.00 | 79.00 | 86.00 | 7,180.50 |
4' x 6' | 28.60 | 36.50 | 43.00 | 46.50 | 51.00 | 57.00 | 72.00 | 99.00 | 120.00 | 9.294.90 |
5' x 8' | 49.00 | 62.00 | 75.00 | 83.00 | 92.00 | 95.00 | 114.00 | 144.00 | 152.00 | 15,199.40 |
Adding Fringe and Pole Hem to Flags | |||
SIZE | Pole Heading |
Fringe Only |
Pole Heading and Fringe |
2' x 3' | 8.00 | 8.00 | 16.00 |
3' x 5' | 11.50 | 11.50 | 23.00 |
4' x 6' | 13.00 | 13.00 | 26.00 |
5' x 8' | 16.00 | 16.00 | 32.00 |
$12.95 Flags
3'x5' Beautiful Lightweight printed polyester Foreign flags suitable for
indoor display or moderate outdoor use.
you have any questions or comments, we want to hear from you. Telephone us at (901) 452-0026, toll free (800) 289-0036 or e-mail us at |
All rights reserved by American Flag & Flagpole Company 2005-2024 Graphic Design and Website Development by Artistic Legends, Inc. |